Photography, video, editing, photos, wedding, portrait editing, audio recording, photo, wedding, portrait

Our Pride Is What You See

Our Pride Is What You See

That VHS tape is showing some signs of age. It looks like you lose you wedding day soon. Of course you can revisit the memories in the closet looking at your wedding dress, OR you can have R.F. Production transfer your special day onto a DVD for you. We offer amazing rates on video transfer. Just $12 or $16 with a full set of chapters and menus. Your transfer also includes color corrections to restore the moments like they happened yesterday.


So, your band tape is getting a little noisy. That happens with cassettes. You can put it away and preserve it by never listening to it again, OR you can let R.F. Productions transfer to a CD and clean the sound for only $25. This deal also comes with a free set of WAV or MP3 files at no additional charge.


We also copy non-copyrighted DVDs for $12, or 10 for $100
